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Certified MailerLite Expert &
Email Marketing Specialist

Helping you to increase your sales, grow your community, and increase your profits through email marketing.

Struggling to convert your email list?

You attracted the subscribers, you then nurtured them, you invested so much time, effort and resources into building trust and positioning yourself as the go-to person for your products or services, but your subscribers are just not buying from you!


This can be frustrating and overwhelming. It can be difficult to pour so much of yourself into your work knowing that you have a great product or service but you just can’t make your audience convert to sales.

The disappointment makes you re-evaluate yourself and your business. It makes you feel like a failure. You feel that you wasted so much time which could have been invested into something else that may have made a profit. But the worst feeling is the one that makes you think that you are a failure and makes you want to stop dead in your tracks and just quit.

Believe me, most if not all entrepreneurs have been there and there is always a reason that you are not making sales.

In email marketing, one of the most important elements for your subscribers to convert into clients lies within the quality of your subscribers. Most digital marketers will tell you how important it is to build your lead magnet and attract subscribers but what they fail to mention is that the quality of your subscribers/ leads is more important than the quantity!

You can have a list with 1000 subscribers who are there for the free tips and then you can have a list with 100 quality leads who will learn to trust you and purchase your offers because they know that you can help them solve their problems.

Which would you prefer?

The elements of a high-converting email list begin with the quality leads that you attracted with your lead magnet.

How Can This Be Achieved?

Here are a few tips to help you attract the “right fit” subscribers to your email list.

  1. Your message has to be absolutely clear so that your audience can understand who you are, what you do, whom you serve and how you can help them. Spend time creating your client avatar, who are the people that you want to work with? What problems are they facing? And what solutions can you offer? These are the important questions that will help both you and your audience identify who are the right people for your email list and who need your help.
  2. Your lead magnet should offer immediate results for a problem that has been plaguing your “ideal client”. They need help to resolve this problem asap
  3. Once they have joined your email list, it is important to nurture your audience. With this step, it’s not about sending them free tips all the time but helping them to resonate with you as a person. You need to tell your story, what made you become this expert, what was your experience that led you to this career choice and the changes you have made for your clients or customers.
  4. After you have spent some time nurturing your audience and sharing valuable information with them, ONLY then should you send a sales email. Once you have the right people on your list who are at the right time in the buyers’ journey and know that your product or services can help them afflict the positive change, they need then the sales will begin.

Think of it from the perspective of your audience, and put yourself in their shoes. Would you be ready to buy at this point? What questions do you have that are preventing you from buying? Make notes so that you can adjust your strategy as needed.

Please note, there can be other reasons that your subscribers may not be buying but the most frequent I have seen is because the wrong people are on your list. So today, take some time and look at your email list and analyze your open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates. Then make an assessment of the quality of your leads.

Maybe it’s time to revamp your email list. Also, please remember an email list is not “if you build it, they will come”, you have to put in the work to consistently attract the right fit onto your list and to keep replenishing it.

If you would like to discuss your email marketing needs, please book a free consultation here.

I offer various services including Done For You email marketing services. What would you do with the extra hours available from outsourcing your email marketing?

Or maybe my launch your list/ list revamp service is just what you need to help you clean up your list and attract the right audience so you can achieve email marketing goals.

Whatever your needs let’s discuss how we can work together to grow your business through the power of email marketing.

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