Keiva Reyes Header Pix

Certified MailerLite Expert &
Email Marketing Specialist

Helping you to increase your sales, grow your community, and increase your profits through email marketing.

As an Email Marketing Specialist, people always ask about Email List Building. It’s a valid question that still poses a lot of concern.

Building an email list is one of the most important things you can do for your business. It’s a direct line to your potential clients/ customers, and it allows you to stay in touch with them on a regular basis. If you understand or even have an idea about email marketing, you know that this is your “owned” community where you can be transparent and open with your subscribers. Unlike social media, these people sign up to hear from you and you don’t have to compete with the changing algorithm to ensure that your content gets seen.

Once you decide to journey into the world of email marketing, please DO NOT think that it is an “if I build it, they will come approach”. Like all marketing strategies, for it to be effective it requires that you put in the work to continue to build trust with your community. You will be required to send regular emails to the community and you must continue to promote your lead magnets or lead capture.

Think of your community as a funnel, people will come in and people will go out. Some will stay and some will leave so it’s important to continue adding quality subscribers to your community. The people who stay are the ones who are interested in what you have to offer and who will be your loyal supporters.

With all this in mind, I’ve created five tips to help you build an effective email list:

  1. Choose your email marketing service provider.

There are many providers out there but as a Certified MailerLite Expert, I always recommend clients who are new to email marketing to open their account with MailerLite. As someone now starting out you want a platform that is easy to navigate as well as MailerLite is free for up to 1000 subscribers which is perfect for a business owner who is now starting to build a list. Why pay for a service when there is a viable free option?

  1. Create your Free Account with MailerLite.

Take your time with this one as you will need to input information such as your Company’s name, email address, social media, and website links to submit for approval. Once approved your account is now open and it’s time to get started building your email list!

  1. Choose and create your lead magnet.

Your lead magnet or freebie is a method of exchanging something that a potential subscriber wants for their email address. Do not create a freebie off the whim but instead choose something that your ideal client needs help with, something that will give them a quick solution to a problem that they already have.

The best way to know what they want is by doing your research! You can simply ask your ideal client what they need help with through a survey, a poll, or a DM. Also, make sure to ask them which way they prefer to consume content e.g. videos, pdf’s, mini training etc. This will help you to decide on the best way that your freebie should be delivered to your subscriber.

  1. Create & Automate.

Once you have decided on your freebie it’s time to create the lead capture form by heading over to the Forms tab and choosing your design. Be sure to fill in all the necessary information to capture your subscriber’s email address and anything else that you may need. After completing the form, you will need to create an automated welcome email and nurture sequence. This ensures that your new subscribers:

  1. Promote, promote, promote

Once you’ve completed all the steps it’s time to launch your Freebie and start building your email community. You can promote your free offer in social media groups, social media links, on your website, through collaborations, DM’s, and paid advertising. It’s all about looking for opportunities to build your visibility and promote your freebie to build your list.

Bonus tip:

Be sure to plan at least a month of content to follow up with your subscribers once they join. You can easily create and schedule your emails and, planning for a month ahead will give you enough time to continue creating and scheduling emails.

DO NOT email your subscribers only when you want to sell. At least once a week you should be emailing your list to ensure you continue to nurture them and gain trust. Your emails can contain information such as tips, tricks,  behind-the-scenes look at your business, etc.

If this feels like too much for you then schedule a free consultation and let’s discuss how we can work together and let’s start building your list, growing your email community, and increasing your sales!




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